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 [B5] Ruumnurk System

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The Wild Spud

The Wild Spud

Posts : 15
Join date : 2014-12-26

[B5] Ruumnurk System Empty
PostSubject: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 23, 2015 11:47 pm

Ema Planeedil

Dark Matter refinery; Tume Aine

Saphrithid research into dark matter had come on leaps and bounds following the experimental facilities inception ten years ago. The research into the understand and use of Dark matter was still a young branch of intergalactic study and so far it appeared to be only the Saphrithids who had invested into this strange and unknown area of scientific thought. The weeks and months of research however had proving to be very useful for the facilities combat wing, and the first working prototype of the galaxies first Dark matter rifle had been cleared for active testing. To see an example of the weapons capabilities first hand, representatives from the projects corporate funders had converged onto the facility.  The success of the live testing would decide the overall fate of the project, the corporations had invested a rather sizable sum and failure would result in severe repercussions for the scientific team behind the project.

“When will the demonstration begin doctor?” asked the suited representative of the Ksuurc Corporation whose annoyance was clear for all to see. “Time is money as they say and losing corporate money due to your team’s poor appreciation for an effective time table would be unacceptable, wouldn’t you agree?”

“I’m sorry sir” responded Kalak Scole, head researcher on the project “We’ve had some…issues regarding the subduing of our test subject, but rest assured the issue will be solved.”

“I’ve been led to believe that the test subject will be convict, sentenced to death, is that true?” the words came from the representative of the Vugevn Corporation, who approached Kalak puffing on a large cigar.

“Yes sir, we were initially going to test it on some form of animal but it was agreed that we would have a clearer picture of the weapon’s destructive capabilities if we tested it on a humanoid being”.

Before the Vugevn representative could reply, an animatronic voice announced itself on the overhead audio system.

“Attention all staff the live firing testing will now begin, please take your assigned seats”

With that said the representatives along with Kalak, took their seats which were directly facing the glass screen which looked onto the vertical testing chamber below. Once they were seated a door on the left side of the chamber slid open. Two guards each wearing military uniforms dragged out an unconscious scruffy looking Saphrithid male in prison fatigues. They then began tying the prisoner to the far wall of the chamber, slotting his arms and legs into the restraints already placed on the wall. As they were doing this another door on the right side of the chamber slid open and out walked a figure dressed in JalavAgi combat armour. In his arms he carried a large metallic weapon; the weapons body was reinforced and was connected to a backpack on the soldiers armour through a series of pipes which originated on the weapon’s housing. The barrel of the weapon shined a dark purple as the dark matter within the weapons integral parts fluctuated. The soldier strode over to his pre assigned position facing the convict, his weapon held at the low-port position.

By this time the other guards had finished placing the convict into his restraints and had quickly left the room, the door closing shut behind them. The area clear, the soldier flicked a few switches on the body of the weapon, he then shouldered it and fired all in a slow fluid motion.

A deafening blast of energy was released as the weapon’s fuel cells struggled to contain the incredible power held within. A large bolt of purple energy was released a few milliseconds after the trigger was squeezed and flew towards the unconscious convict. The bolt slammed itself into the convict’s chest, which resulted in the unfortunate individual coming out of his drug fueled daze in a fit of screaming and convulsion. His body began to turn in on itself as the matter spread itself through his body, resulting in his chest cavity caving in and his limbs braking like twigs as his body slowly began to fall apart and mold together. A few seconds later the convict was dead, the only signs of his previous existence was bloody pile of gunk on the floor.

The soldier in the chamber turned around and gave a quick salute before he exited out the door from which he had previously entered. Shutters then fell down on the class screen as a cleaning grew soon emerged to clean up the mess. The demonstration over the corporate representatives broke out in a chorus of clapping.

“Thank you” Kalak replied rising from his seat “As you can see the weapon works beyond our expectations and should be ready for field testing in several weeks”.

“Why not sooner?” asked the representative from the Riikas corporation “The weapon appears to work perfectly. Release the damn thing and be done with it!”.

“We would like to Ma’am” Kalak quickly replied an apologetic grin on his face “But the weapon still has some issues with accuracy and stability issues in regards to internal rupturing of the energy cells”.

“You mean there’s a chance it could explode?”

“Yes unfortunately, in its current model there is a one in five chance that the weapon will actually explode in the user’s hand.”

“How long will it take to fix this issue?” asked the Vugevn representative.

“Several months at the most”

“To long” the Ksuurc representative grumbled “It shall be moved to the field testing phase immediately” this statement was met by nods of approval from the other representatives.

 “Are you sure sir?” Kalak asked “Should that sort of decision be made by the combined corporate board rather than just yourselves?”

“Do not worry; the board will support our decision. Too much time and money has been wasted on this project we need to see actual results from the field not in a lab”.

“Even if you do fast track it the military will never accept a potentially dangerous weapon and neither will any sane corporate PMC organisation”.

“Do not worry about that doctor” the Ksuurc representative replied with a slight grin on his face “We have the perfect place and the individuals to test this weapon”.

“And where might that be sir?”

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[B5] Ruumnurk System Empty
PostSubject: Re: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 12:12 am

A signal message from the Tal Nagarian autocracy is beamed towards coded planetary address for the Saphrithid government communication post. The message contains the voice of diplomat Aldergarris.

"To the Saphrithid government body/bodies. I, diplomat Aldergarris of the Tal Nagarian Autocracy, loyal to the great Tal, request a planetary relations meeting of venue of your choice. Understand that the meeting will not a be a waste of time and may well be profitable. We look forward to your attendance.
Honourably yours,
Diplomat  Aldergarris."
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The Wild Spud

The Wild Spud

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[B5] Ruumnurk System Empty
PostSubject: Re: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 10:27 pm

The message from the Tal-Nagarian Autocracy was intercepted and heard by the Confederate government without any issue. The Nagarian offer intrigued the governing board and after a short period discussion within the board it was agreed that the Confederacy would agree to hear the Tal-Nagarian offer. I reply was sent shortly after.

“To the honourable representative Tal-Nagarian Autocracy, the government board has decided to agree to your terms and hear your financial offer. Your diplomat is welcome to land on our planet. Co-ordinates to the designated landing site will be sent along with this message".
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[B5] Ruumnurk System Empty
PostSubject: Re: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 26, 2015 11:25 pm

From Nargosa a diplomacy transport ship was dispatched with honour guard protection squads, a diplomat and the economic minister the Tal Nagarian autocracy all aboard. They all eagerly await to finally visit Ema Planeedil.
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[B5] Ruumnurk System Empty
PostSubject: Re: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2015 12:03 am

The small yet regal looking ship hovered over the landing zone, it then powers off and firmly places itself to the ground. The procession of the Nagarian cabinet as well as there armed escorts exit in organised rank, led by Aldergarris. They are stunned with the foreign building designs and architecture. They marvel at greet economic power buildings. They are even impressed on how the air tastes. They await to be greeted by the Saphrithid audience.
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The Wild Spud

The Wild Spud

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Join date : 2014-12-26

[B5] Ruumnurk System Empty
PostSubject: Re: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 27, 2015 9:37 pm

The delegation from the Tal-Nagarian Autocracy was met at the landing pad by a small welcome party of officials from the governing board as well as an honour guard from the Confederate Foreign Legion. After a few moments of pleasantries the foreign delegation was led into a nearby skyscraper where the governmental meeting would take place. After several elevator rides the Nagarians were ushered into the board room were the twelve ministers of the Confederate government were waiting for them.

“Greetings” said Vancurn Rtoyt CEO of the Trelvn Corporation and government minister as he rose from his seat to greet the new arrivals. “Welcome to Ema Planeedil Mr Aldergarris, I hope your flight was pleasant enough”.  

With his introduction finished Vancurn gestured to the empty seat situated at the head of the table. “If you would please take a seat so that this meeting can get underway, time is money as they say”.
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PostSubject: Re: [B5] Ruumnurk System   [B5] Ruumnurk System I_icon_minitime

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