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 Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)

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Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 9:21 pm

Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Novus_aeterno_battle_by_phoenix_06-d3car2p

This thread will outline the procedure for fleet combat in Amongst the Stars. The hardest part of this system will be composing the Ship "character" sheet, after that is is fairly simple.[/center]

First let's look at a template of a ship's character sheet:

Quote :




# Of Attack Types:

Base Attack Damage:

Crew Skills:


Racial Benefits:

To quickly summarize these:

Class/Type/Title is the name you choose for your ship.

HP is your ship's health points.

AC is your ship's armor class, the enemy has to roll higher than your armor class to do damage.

# of attack types is how many diff. attacks you can have on a ship.

Base attack damage is the natural damage addon to your attack rolls.

Crew skills are misc. skills that can help a fleet in and out of combat.

Feats are unique bonuses to certain actions that give your fleet bonuses against certain types of combat and weaknesses to other. Choose wisely!

Racial benefits are like feats but are even more unique to you, as it is your race's benefits. Don't powergame these.


These are the base ship types you will use in your fleet.

NOTE that these could be modified for fairer gameplay.

Boarding Party: (This is not adjustable, only for ships with "Boarding Parties" type.)
AC In Flight:18 (-4 AC against fighter bombers while in flight)
AC Boarded: 14
# Of Attack Types: N/A
Base Attack Damage: 1
Crew Skills: 0
Feats: 0

Fighter/Bomber Squadron: (This is not adjustable, only for ships with "Carrier" attack type)
AC:18 (-8 AC against other fighter/bomber squadrons) (-4 AC against ships with "Point Defense" feat)
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 1
Crew Skills: 0
Feats: 0

HP: 20
AC: 14 (Natural armor class of 10 with +4 AC due to naturally small size.)
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 0
Crew Skills: 1 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 1 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)

HP: 35
AC: 12
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 1
Crew Skills: 1 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 2 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)

HP: 50
AC: 14
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 2
Crew Skills: 1 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 2 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)

HP: 65
AC: 16
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 3
Crew Skills: 1 (3 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 3 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
-2 to stealth checks.

HP: 80
AC: 16
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 5
Crew Skills: 2 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 4 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
-4 to stealth checks.

Last edited by Blitz on Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:22 am; edited 16 times in total
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Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 9:23 pm

Attack Types, Crew Skills, Feats, and Racial Benefits.

Before I explain combat to you, let's look at all the different modifiers to your Navy.

Let's look at Attack Types. Attack types are the types of attacks that your fleet can utilize.

Quote :

Your ship holds a crew of 2 fighter/bomber squadrons. When launched, regardless of their number or craftsmenship, they all have a base HP of 5 and an AC of 18. They may carry one of any of the other 3 attack types. If destroyed a new squadron will need to replace them after the battle, not during.
Does not add onto your base attack.
Your ship's base attack has no affect on your fighter's base attack.
You are allowed to attack with another weapon at the same time while your fighters are attacking the target ship. But by doing so, your roll also counts as an attack against your own fighters due to their close proximity to the target ship. 
Fighters take one turn to launch, can travel to and attack any target within range in one turn.
Fighters can engage enemies for 3 turns before they need to rearm and refuel.
Rearm/refuel takes one turn.

Your ship is equipped with several missile launchers.
+2 to attack roll when using this.

Your ship is equipped with railguns and special cannons that work in a vacuum.
+2 to attack roll when using this.

Your ship is equipped with laser and plasma cannons.
+2 to attack roll when using this.

- Requires "Super Weapon" feat.
- Takes up two attack type slots.
- Takes two turns to charge.
- Only usable on flagship.
+8 to attack roll damage when using. 

Boarding Parties:
Your ship now has a group of boarding combatants aboard.
- Cannot have "Carrier" attack type when chosen.
- Requires "Boarding Parties" feat.
- 2 AC
- 2 attack roll to any other attack type on board.
One turn to prepare and launch the boarding party.
One turn to close in and attempt to board.
If you roll higher than the ship's AC, your team boards. (You must roll for both individually, and they can attack at the same time like fighter/bombers.)
If you fail to roll higher, you will not board.
Once inside, your team will start sweeping through and wreaking havoc. Treat it like a normal ship v. ship roll, and take damage off accordingly.
The ship you've boarded loses 2 HP every turn the enemy boarding team is active inside it, regardless of an attack roll succeeding/failing.
The boarded ship is able to roll twice in this special occasion, roll for their security teams defending the ship, and roll for attacking enemy ships in space.

Next let's go to Crew Skills. As explained previously, crew skills are positive modifiers to certain non-combat and combat related works. Every ship, except flagships, start with one and gain more as they gain veterancy.

Quote :

Your crew is adept at maintaining stealth and anti-radar shielding.
- Requires "Stealth Coating" feat.
+4 to all stealth checks.

Your crew is adept at detecting stealthed fleets, identifying unidentified objects, and scanning planets.
+4 to all detection checks.

Electronic Warfare:
Your crew is adept at disrupting enemy communications and confusing them.
- Requires "Radar Jamming Device" feat.
+4 to all tactical confusion attempts.

Your crew has mastered your radar tracking systems.
+4 to tracking attempts (includes ships leaving systems.)

Damage Control:
Your crew are able bodied damage controlmen.
- Requires "Repair Systems."
+4 to all repair attempts.

Terrifying Reputation:
Your crew is feared and well known!
+4 to intimidation checks on NPCs, -2 AC to all NPCs engaged in combat with crew.

CIWS Masters.
Your crew has impeccable and well maintained point defense systems.
- Requires "Point Defense" feat.
+2 to point defense AC.

Superb Shielding.
Your crew has mastered energy field manipulation.
- Requires "Energy Shield" feat.
+2 to energy shield AC.

Your crew is tough as nails and doesn't shake easily.
- Your crew can be hit by a natural d20 critical hit and take the damage as if it were normal.

Lockdown Procedures:
Your crew has drilled and trained for boarding attempts.
+2 AC against boarding parties.

Veteran Boarding Parties:
Your crew's boarding parties are extremely experienced.
- Requires "Boarding Party" feat.
+2 attack roll damage when boarding someone.

Laser Proficiency
Your crew's laser targeting systems are extremely advanced!
- Requires "laser targeting" feat.
+2 to supporting ship's attack rolls on lasered target.

Your crew is armed with.. superb ambassadors and well spoken officers!
+4 to diplomacy checks with all NPCs, if an NPC engages you without provocation, -2 to their AC.

Maneuverability Parameters
Your crew's engines and thrusters are well maintained, and your projectile detection system is upgraded.
- Requires "Manueverability" feat
+2 to AC.

Ace Pilots.
Your pilots are certified, shirtless, volley-ball playing studs, and frequently fly into zones that could be classified as "dangerous."
- Requires "Carrier" attack type.
+2 attack roll damage to all fighter/bomber squadrons.

Your crew is adept with ballistic type attacks.
- Requires "Ballistic" attack type.
+2 attack roll to all ballistic weapons.

Your crew is adept with missile type attacks.
- Requires "Missile" attack type.
+2 attack roll to all missile weapons.

Your crew is adept with energy type attacks.
- Requires "Energy" attack type.
+2 attack roll to all energy weapons.

Now let's move on to Feats. Feats are special abilities and upgrades that allow you to perform better in some areas of combat, but you will ALWAYS have a penalty for any feat you choose.

Quote :

Stealth Coating:
Your ship now has the ability to activate radar cloaking, making it near impossible to detect.
- Once your ship takes an offensive action, it will exit stealth.
- If you fail a stealth check, any attack landed on you during the next combat round is a critical.
- In order to go back into stealth during combat, you need to forfeit a full round to "charge" the ability, then roll against the enemy to see if you re-enter stealth.
- Your ship cannot go FTL while in stealth.
- By equipping this, you have chosen to put radar absorbing armor plating over heavy armored plating, and negate 2 AC from your ship.

Radar Jamming Device:
Your ship is equipped with powerful electronic warfare capabilities and radar arrays.
- At any point during combat, you may initiate a radar jamming roll, countered against the enemy's roll. If you roll higher than the enemy, you have effectively jammed their communications.
- The target ship will be jammed and confused for one turn, where their AC and attack roll is negated by 5.
- Regardless of if you fail or pass the roll that round, you cannot attack until the next round.
- By equipping this, you take up space on the surface area of your ship. If your ship has 2 attack type slots, it will take up one of the slots. If your ship has one attack type slot, it will negate 2 points from your attack roll.

Heavy Armor:
Your ship is equipped with heavier armor.
+ 4 AC.
- 4 AC to ship boarding attempts.
- Your ship cannot gain the Stealth Plating feat.

Life Support:
- Your ship is now equipped with advanced life support systems.
+5 HP
- 2 AC.

Laser Targeting:
Your ship is equipped with highly advanced targeting systems that assist allied ships in targeting other ships.
- Takes up an attack type slot.
- Laser is always a guaranteed hit and lock.
- Using the laser counts as an attack for the round.
- The targeting system takes a full round to lock onto and once it is locked, it will not break unless countermeasures are deployed or a line of sight with the target is broken.
- Once locked, all weapons have +2 attack roll to the target.

Your ship is equipped with every sort of dazzling decoy that can disrupt a targeting system.
- When deployed, ship gets +4 AC for two rounds, and nulls the effect of "laser targeting" for 2 rounds.
- The ship cannot attack for that round, as the countermeasures confuse its own weapons systems. After the first round, it may attack again.
- Countermeasure can be used once every 4 rounds.
- Cannot have radar jamming or stealth with this feat.

Boarding Parties:
Your ship now has a compliment of soldiers trained in boarding procedures.
- Takes up an attack type slot. "Boarding Parties" damage type.
- Your ship has a smaller crew, and your ship operates less efficiently.
- 2 AC.
- 2 attack roll if you have another weapon type on board.
- Cannot have "Carrier" attack type in conjunction with this.

Your ship is equipped with extra thrusters and more powerful engines in order to evade incoming attacks.
- Your ship is much faster.
- Your AC is increased by 2 due to dodge parameters. 
- Your attack roll is decreased by 2 due to breakneck speeds throwing off your aim. 

Super Weapon:
Now, witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational flagship!
- Your ship is equipped with a superweapon, be it nuclear warheads, super cannons, giant lasers, etc, it's up to your imagination.
- Usable only by Flagship.
- Takes up both attack type slots.
- Decreases AC by 4.
- Decreases HP by 10.
- Takes three turns to fire, two to charge, one to fire.
+8 to attack roll.

Repair Systems:
Your ship can now repair itself, or allied ships with great efficiency. 
- To repair, you must roll higher than the enemy's attack. (Your base attack acts as your "base" repair.
- If the roll is a success, you repair half of the damage done. If the repair is a success against a natural d20 crit hit, you repair a quarter damage done, unless your roll was a crit itself.
- Takes up one turn, repairs immediately. 
- If it is a natural d20 crit repair, you will mitigate all damage done by the previous attack, unless the attack was a critical itself, where you will only repair half damage.

Energy Shield
Your ship is equipped with a powerful shield that mitigates damage from certain weapon types.
+2 AC to energy attacks.
+2 AC to kinetic attacks.
+2 AC against any fighterbomber attacks.
- Cannot equip "point defense."
- 2 AC to missiles attacks.
- 2 attack roll against incoming boarding ships.

Point Defense
Your ship is equipped with advanced point defense systems that destroy incoming targets and ordnance.
+2 AC to missile attacks.
+2 attack roll to incoming boarding ships
+ Lowers fighter/bomber's AC by 4 when they attack the ship.
- Cannot equip "energy shield."
-2 AC  to kinetic attacks.
-2 AC to energy attacks.

Heavy Weaponry
Your ship designates one attack type as a "heavy weapon."
- This attack type now takes two turns to fire, one to charge/reload, one to fire.
+4 to attack roll.

Light Weaponry
Your ship designates one attack type as a "light weapon."
- This attack type can now fire twice in one turn.
-4 to attack roll.

Flak Cannon
Your ship is armed with multiple flak cannons for fighter defense.
- This attack type can now fire twice in one turn.
Useless against other ships that are bigger than fighters or boarding units.
-2 to attack roll against Boarding Vessels
-8 AC to Fighters and Bombers
-4 AC to Boarding Vessels

Carrier based version of "super weapon"
- Restricted to Flagships.
- Takes up both attack type slots.
- Decreases AC by 4. 
- Decreases 4 AC against boarding parties.
- Decreases HP by 15.
- You now have an extra carrier bay with 2 more fighter bomber squadrons.

Death before Dishonor
If your ship dies, it's vengeful crew is determined to take it's enemy with it.
- Upon HP reaching 0, your ship has one last attack move after the killing blow.
- Roll to make your final stand.
+ 6 to attack damage.
- The ship is destroyed immediately after the turn.

Overcharged Weapons.
You may now attack with two weapon types at once. Alternatively, you may use a feat and a weapon at the same time.
- Usable only once per every 3 turns.
- Weapons have a -2 to attack roll when using this.
- If used in conjunction with charged weapons, your first turn will still be a charge move, but the other weapon may fire during your charge move.

Lastly, we'll cover Racial Benefits, which are small versions of feats that only your race can have and affects every ship the same. Human nations can consider this to be a "nationality" benefit, so not all races are restricted to one trait. The format for making a racial benefit is
+ 1 of something of your desire.
- 1 of something of your desire.

Or some special ability/trait that cannot be abused and is niche in its application.

For example:
The Bogans
"schoolies m8"
+1 HP to all ships
-1 AC of all ships.

The Bogans
"get off me property ya wanker"
+2 attack roll to all ships defending Bogan territory.

Last edited by Blitz on Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:25 am; edited 16 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 9:23 pm

Combat and you!

Now let's move on to combat. Combat itself is not difficult, it's really just simple addition and subtraction. But first, before we can engage in combat, we need two parties with atleast one ship with a Fleet sheet, or character sheet. I'll show you how to create a character sheet for your ship here.

In this example I will be using the equivalent of 2 frigate sized ships.

Quote :
Class/Type/Title: HMS Dirty Bogger, Patroller Class.

HP: 20 + 5(Life Support) = 25

AC: 14 - 1 (Racial Benefit) -2(Life Support)=  11

# Of Attack Types: 1, Kinetic. +2 to attack roll.

Base Attack Damage: 0 + 1 (Racial Benefit) + 2(Kinetic attack type)  = 3.

Crew Skills: 1, Ambassador. +4 to all diplomacy checks with an NPC, -2 to their AC if they attack unprovoked.

Feats: 1, Life Support.

Racial Benefits:
Space England
"For Space King and Space Country!"
+1 base attack
-1 AC

Now, before I create our assailant, let's analyze this quickly. What are all these pluses and minuses? Well, I've done this so that the GM will easily be able to see why my values are what they are. I also parenthesized the name of the feat, crew skill, or racial benefit that is drawing away or adding to a certain value, again to make it easier for the GM reviewing my page or my would-be attacker.

Now I'm going to create our attacker.

Quote :

Class/Type/Title: ANZAC Kroozah, "Noice m8" Class.

HP: 20 +1 (Racial benefit) = 21

AC: 14 +2 against energy, kinetic, boarding party(Energy shield) -1 (racial benefit) = 15
AC: 14 -2 against missile attacks(Energy shield) -1 (racial benefit) = 11

# Of Attack Types: 1, energy. +2 to attack roll.

Base Attack Damage: 0 +2 (Energy attack type), +2(Blastermen) = 4.

Crew Skills: Blastermen, +2 to energy attack roll.

Feats: 1, Energy Shield.

Racial Benefits:
The Bogans
"Schoolies m8"
+1 HP to all ships
-1 AC to all ships.

Notice here how I specify what AC the ship will have in different situations. Now, let's move on to combat.

In combat, unless a unit is coming out of stealth, the two parties will roll to see who strikes first. Whoever strikes higher will attack first, and then the turn based system will begin. To roll, select the "D20" die under the "roll" option in the advanced message UI, not quick message. After you post, a bot will roll for you and declare you roll. After that roll, add up all your damage done and post the final attack roll. I'll give some examples of this.

Note that this is incredibly simple and silly RP because I'm too lazy to type up 3 paragraphs for 2 imaginary factions. Please don't RP like this.

Quote :
The HMS Dirty Bogger spots the ANZAC "Kroozah", and closes to engage.

The member 'UK4LYFE' has done the following action : Roll

'D20' : 7

Quote :
The ANZAC "Kroozah" engages its thrusters and closes in with the HMS Dirty Bogger.

The member 'fuckabbos' has done the following action : Roll

'D20' : 9

Now that we've established the initial roll, Kroozah will now attack and roll for a hit.

Quote :
The "Noice M8" class ship opens fire on the HMS Dirty Bogger.

The member 'fuckabbos' has done the following action : Roll

'D20' : 3

Now that he has rolled for an attack hit, he will add his base attack onto the roll. He will do this by quickly posting after the roll has been done, NOT BY EDITING THE ROLL ITSELF.

Quote :
"fuckabbos" posted:

Attack = 3 (Dice roll) + 4 (base attack) = 7.

But unfortunately, he did not damage the HMS Dirty Bogger. Because the Dirty Bogger has an AC of 11, the ANZAC Kroozah must roll for a combined hit above an 11. The player of Space England may RP however he likes how the round does not affect him, whether it misses, or is deflected, etc

Quote :
The energy blast is absorbed by the King's armor! The HMS Dirty Bogger retaliates with a broadside cannon attack.

The member 'UK4LYFE' has done the following action : Roll

'D20' : 14

Quote :
"UK4LYFE" posted:

Attack = 14 (Dice roll) + 3(Base attack) = 17.

By Jove, he's done it! He rolled a 17, which is higher than the ANZAC Kroozah's AC against kinetic attack type damage. To find out how much damage is taken, simply subtract your AC from the attack roll. The ANZAC Kroozah takes 2 damage, and now has an HP of 19.

I won't continue until the battle ends, so I'll end the example there. However, I do want to cover some condition modifiers to combat, a few rules, and then we'll be done.

Conditional Modifiers.


When using stealth, you are undetectable by the enemy until they can roll higher than you on a stealth check. To roll for a stealth check, simply roll against each other, and add on any feats or crew skills that affect detection or stealth.

All units using stealth have a base value of 5 added onto their roll. The reason I do this is to stop people from randomly and luckily detecting stealthed ships in one try, especially without the detection skill.

When engaging someone, you will drop out of stealth and have a +6 damage modifier as a result of a surprise attack for one round. If you are detected, your stealth will drop, and the enemy will have a +6 damage modifier to you for one round.

Natural Crits:

A natural crit is when you roll a 20 on a d20. When rolling a natural D20, you do twice the damage (after AC is subtracted), and you critically damage a component of their ship, like engines, life support, the bridge, etc. So if the enemy has an AC of 18, and you attack them for 20 + a base attack of 5, it's 25 - 18, which is 7, and the crit multiplies that by two, so you strike them for 14.

If the same ship rolls a natural 20 twice in a row on the same target, it will immediately instakill that ship regardless of health remaining.

Natural Fail:

Rolling a 1 means you have critically failed. Don't bother adding onto these rolls, it won't matter. The unit will damage itself for the base attack value.

Rules of Combat.


After making a roll, always post the added up attack roll after dice roll bot.

Do not, I repeat DO NOT EDIT A ROLL POST WITHOUT GM CONSENT. Doing so the first time will result in a GM interfering and making you roll a natural fail, and then giving your opponent a natural 20 crit as a warning. Doing so the second time will result in a permaban.

FTL Travel

If you are traveling to a system that is not in combat and is not likely to be in combat in the near future, you may move your fleet immediately, RP'ing the time that has passed accordingly.

If you are traveling to a system with combat happening, your fleet will move one system closer for each post that is made. Dice roll posts and attack roll posts do not count. Only combat RP posts.

When attempting to leave combat early or retreat out of a system, you will need to wait 2 turns to calibrate your means of FTL travel before leaving. During these two turns, your ship cannot attack.

Last edited by Blitz on Sun Dec 28, 2014 12:18 am; edited 4 times in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 9:24 pm

Fleet Point system.

EyesofMarch wrote:
Point System: 300 points

I'll not be including boarding parties and fighter squadrons for 'points', since these should be included in larger class starcraft, in the instance of boarding parties, or specially fitted craft, for hanger bays, depending on your race's ship structure.

HP: 20
AC: 14 (Natural armor class of 10 with +4 AC due to naturally small size.)
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 0
Crew Skills: 1 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 1 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)


HP: 35
AC: 12
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 1
Crew Skills: 1 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 2 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)


HP: 50
AC: 14
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 2
Crew Skills: 1 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 2 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)


HP: 65
AC: 16
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 3
Crew Skills: 1 (3 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 3 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
-2 to stealth checks.


HP: 80
AC: 16
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 5
Crew Skills: 2 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 4 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
-4 to stealth checks.

POINTS PER SHIP: ONE FREE FLAGSHIP PER SPECIES/GOVERNMENT. If your race needs to construct a new flagship, it will cost your race 75 points.  

Each NEW colony(that means colonies gained after the acceptance of your race, not colonies that you have starting out) provides 25 points after your colony becomes stable enough to provide for your empire. The expansion of your new colony must be RP'd correctly, and after it is authorized by an admin, your new colony will allow you to gain more points for ship construction. Colonies captured by one empire by another may or may not immediately give the points, depending on the status of the colony after combat.

Colonies that you start with at the beginning of the RP DO NOT provide extra points. However, if another nation conquers one of these colonies, the victorious empire is provided 25 points following the rules mentioned above.


If your race loses your flagship, it will not be able to construct another until your race saves up 75 points.

Carriers hold a maximum of 500 fighters and bombers. An additional 250 can be added using one feat, up to a maximum of 750 fighters and bombers. Hangers can be fitted on smaller craft such as cruisers, destroyers and frigates, but these hangers are much smaller (50 for cruisers, 20 for destroyers, 10 for frigates). Any ship can be 'fitted' for docking bays for shuttles and smaller craft and whatnot, but these will be for RP-based battles and confrontations and will have no effect in roll-based combat. You cannot use feats to add roll-based hangers onto non-carrier craft.

Last edited by Blitz on Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:53 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 9:24 pm

okay y'all can post any CCC while i work on this, i do need help with the fleet point system tho, don't know how i'll work that out.
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Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 10:14 pm

You need to be able to convey this visually, I feel like I'm reading a wall of text right now, you need to be able to represent this easily in tabular form, or something of the like. The simplicity of my system which was one of its key parts is lost on this system. Ontop of that, Frigate, Cruiser, etc are all human ship denominations which takes the fun out of being truly alien, thus why I had weight and weapon slot loadout features. Fighter and bomber squadrons should be part of simpler attack platform, In my system they were just a slot, to be RPed on. The ships Armor/HP/Attack power ratio isn't perfectly balanced either, by making different numbers you've stretched the balancing to favour mass production of Battleships and Cruisers. There's not a lot of info on how direct shots work, and a 20 sided dice unnessisarily overcomplicates things.


It feels like you've tried to make the DnD system more user friendly, but even I struggled to understand this at parts. e.g. you talked about checks like everyone knew what checks were. In trying to simplify this down you have created a difficult halfway of a complex system that holds all of its complexities whilst lacking the features to make it a fully blown system in its own right, not only that but fighting with this will still consume a lot more time that a simple x/12 roll with damage attached. You should probably poll this and see if it's what everyone wants.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeFri Dec 26, 2014 11:01 pm

it's simpler than you think, wait til i finish the combat section and it'll adequately explain.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2014 12:47 am

going to a party ill finish it later
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2014 1:16 am

Add me to steam ye
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Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Dec 27, 2014 11:09 pm

second slide is done but i'm planning to add on much more to it later

moving on to create combat examples
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 12:19 am

I like it. While creating ships is complex, the actual combat itself isn't...

Well, I assume it isn't until you bring in modifiers for energy, kinetic, and missile weapons. I have yet to see an example of these.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 12:24 am

Combat post is finished, now I just need to figure out how to do the fleet point system..

And yes, creating the ships requires a bit of thinking on your part, depending on how you want your ship to fight. I'm adding more onto ship modifiers later. I randomly cook up ideas while I'm at work and out in town but when I sit down to type it I go blank. Funny how that works.

And combat should never get too complex if people have their ship character sheets in front of them. After all it's simple subtract and addition.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 1:27 am

How does ship boarding work? It needs a mechanic, otherwise players will just lolboard people to totally nullify the heavy armour perk.
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Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 1:59 am

Yeah I realized that a while ago, I'll add a special feat/attack type to go with it. I'm about to be out the door to go partake in launching questionably legal fireworks, so I'll do it tommorow.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 6:49 pm

Let's do this. Blitz, continue to work on the combat system. For now, we'll give every empire a certain point quota for ships:

Weapon type.


And veterancy.

We'll wait for a few more apps to come in before we begin the RP.  If the combat system isn't done by that point we'll just have people RP combat for the time being. I'm a little worried during the wait we may lose the people interested.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 8:15 pm

Like I said it's pretty much done the point system is the only thing left to do
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 8:31 pm

Oh okay sweet
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 10:26 pm

Well like I was saying, why can't we just slap the points on now then? Surely all you need to do is price the ships and that's it, the perks are all purpose balanced anyway and pricing them would take AGES.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 10:36 pm

Because I need to think about it. I spent a good bit if my free time thinking about the combat and the modifiers this past week
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 28, 2014 11:05 pm

Well it would surely be less complex to just price the ships accordingly. Rather than make people pay different amounts for different layouts. It can't be more complex as just giving a flat based price for each ship, right?
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeMon Dec 29, 2014 4:26 am

boarding parties done.
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Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 12:57 am

There are still no ship prices, how are we supposed to know what the numerical/size limits for our fleets are?
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 1:09 am

It will be updated tomorrow. I would do it myself, but I am busy and so it blitz.

no leave = drunk on base all day errday as a way to get back at that CO lol
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 1:25 am

Well why don't you elect another admin, in this space of absence, who is more time-zone capable than you two? If you're intent on
EyesofMarch wrote:
but I am busy
EyesofMarch wrote:
drunk on base all day errday
then you shouldn't have a problem handing power, even temporarily, onto a player that would be more vigilant, active and communicative with the player base.

Otherwise, for the now 60% (when these users leave the site at 4-7AM, it suggests this) possibly more of your active RP force we have to wait till later on in the day to get any OOC feedback on the status of the RP. On that note, it'd be good to put in place, or elect a GMT+1 admin, or alternatively be more active.

Your locations arn't helpful for determining time zones either, and for me personally In days gone by I've waited for replies, that I know now wouldn't come until the later-unfeesible hours of my day.

It's unfair on the rest of the player base, especially for incoming battles to presume the RP "stops when you stop." Because for you you may think leaving something for a day is okay, but it severely hampers the interest value, when the possible events of two hours IC will be strung over 4 days OOC.

At the minute for me it is 01:23AM, and for you its 11:23AM in the morning according to the time zone on this forum, if you guys ever wanted to sleep in I wouldn't see the administration at all during my evening, what then?

Make no mistake, this isn't a demand post from me, It's just something I'd urge you to think about, because by the way you're posting it seems like you arn't being considerate for your players that want to be engaged by this RICH, RICH universe we've created.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 03, 2015 2:38 am

Point System: 300 points

I'll not be including boarding parties and fighter squadrons for 'points', since these should be included in larger class starcraft or specially fitted craft depending on your race's ship structure.

HP: 20
AC: 14 (Natural armor class of 10 with +4 AC due to naturally small size.)
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 0
Crew Skills: 1 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 1 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)


HP: 35
AC: 12
# Of Attack Types: 1
Base Attack Damage: 1
Crew Skills: 1 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 2 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)


HP: 50
AC: 14
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 2
Crew Skills: 1 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 2 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)


HP: 65
AC: 16
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 3
Crew Skills: 1 (3 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 3 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
-2 to stealth checks.


HP: 80
AC: 16
# Of Attack Types: 2
Base Attack Damage: 5
Crew Skills: 2 (2 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
Feats: 4 (1 more can be added if veterancy achieved, refer to GM for veterancy auths.)
-4 to stealth checks.

POINTS PER SHIP: ONE FREE FLAGSHIP PER SPECIES/GOVERNMENT. If your race needs to construct a new flagship, it will cost your race 75 points.  

Each NEW colony provides 25 points after your colony becomes stable enough to provide for your empire. The expansion of your new colony must be RP'd correctly, and after it is authorized by an admin, your new colony will allow you to gain more points for ship construction. Colonies captured by one empire by another may or may not immediately give the points, depending on the status of the colony after combat.

Colonies that you start with at the beginning of the RP DO NOT provide extra points. However, if another nation conquers one of these colonies, the victorious empire is provided 25 points following the rules mentioned above.


If your race loses your flagship, it will not be able to construct another until your race saves up 75 points.

Carriers hold a maximum of 500 fighters and bombers. An additional 250 can be added using one feat, up to a maximum of 750 fighters and bombers.
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PostSubject: Re: Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP)   Fleet Combat System (don't post yet, WIP) I_icon_minitime

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